> 文章列表 > 元宵佳节我们要干什么英语



What Do People Do on the Lantern Festival? -ZOL问答

The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is the first full moon night of the year. During this festive occasion, people are filled with joy and laughter. One of the most exciting activities on this night is the tradition of lighting and releasing lanterns.

What Do People Do on the Lantern Festival? (English Answer) -作业

On the Lantern Festival, people hang up lanterns and enjoy delicious glutinous rice balls.

What Does Spring Festival Mean?

The phrase \"Spring Festival\" in English refers to the traditional Chinese festival known as the Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year. It is used as a noun, and it is important to capitalize the first letter of each word. Typically, \"the\" is added before the phrase. Additional information can be found below.

How to Say \"Eat Yuanxiao\" in English? -作业帮

The Lantern Festival, or Yuanxiao Festival in Chinese, is an important traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar.

Where and What Do People Do on the Lantern Festival? How Long Does It Last? -ZOL问答

The Lantern Festival is held across China and is celebrated for one day. It takes place on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, right after the Spring Festival. The festivities include various activities such as lantern displays, lion dances, and firework shows.

How Do You Say \"Lantern Festival\" in English? -小尾巴biubiu\'s Answer

The English translation for \"元宵节\" is \"The Lantern Festival.\" Hope this helps! Wishing you a joyful life. Another English phrase for \"元宵节\" is \"Lantern Festival.\"

What is the English Translation for \"逛灯会,\" \"吃元宵,\" and \"猜灯迷\"? -作业帮

逛灯会 - \"Lantern Festival\"
吃元宵 - \"Eat Rice Balls\"
猜灯迷 - \"Guess Lantern Riddles\"

English Translation: There Are Many Activities During Spring Festival, Including the Lantern Festival, Firecracker Display, and More. -ZOL问答

During the Chinese Spring Festival holidays, numerous activities take place, such as the Lantern Festival, the Lantern Parade, the display of firecrackers, and much more.

When is the Lantern Festival in English?

The Lantern Festival is commonly referred to as the \"Lantern Festival\" in English. It usually falls on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, which corresponds to February or March on the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, the date of the Lantern Festival varies each year based on the lunar calendar.

I Plan to Make Some Tangyuan. -ZOL问答

First, it\'s important to know that the English translation for \"tangyuan\" or \"元宵\" is \"sweet dumpling,\" not \"dumpling\" or \"rice dumpling.\" \"Dumpling\" refers to \"饺子,\" and \"rice dumpling\" refers to \"粽子.\" Additionally, \"I plan to\" can be expressed as \"I am going to\" or \"I intend to.\" Therefore, the sentence can be written as \"I am going to make some sweet dumplings (tangyuan).\" Enjoy your cooking!